What Is Your Health System’s Potential ROI With An Optimized 340B Program?

October 24, 2022340B, 340B ESP, Contract Pharmacy, Overview, Patient Eligibility, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Pharmacy

Introducing ProxsysRx’s 340B Program ROI Calculator The 340B program has often been described, and with good reason, as a black box. There are dozens of factors impacting an individual hospital’s relative success or failure in generating positive returns from a program. ProxsysRx has optimized dozens of 340B programs — generating tens of millions in savings … Read More

Specialized Software Can Only Do So Much For 340B Programs

October 6, 2022340B, 340B ESP, Compliance, Requirements

Why specialized software is essential for successful 340B programs As we’ve mentioned in several previous posts, many hospitals taking full advantage of 340B programs’ discounts save millions of dollars a year on prescription costs. However, 340B programs cover thousands of discounted drugs, and, for most eligible entities, thousands — if not tens of thousands — … Read More

Use Your Hospital’s Retail Pharmacy 340B Drug Savings To Build A Specialty Pharmacy

September 12, 2022340B, Compliance, Covered Entities, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Pharmacy

For 340B-eligible hospitals dealing with increasingly tight bottom lines (which essentially means all 340B-eligible hospitals), an in-house specialty pharmacy offers enormous savings and revenue potential. Some covered entities generate as much as 600% in specialty pharmacy revenue from 340B drugs as they do in traditional retail / outpatient or contract pharmacy 340B revenue. What is … Read More

Avoid These Six Common Errors When Reporting 340B-Eligible Prescriptions Through 340B ESP

August 26, 2022340B, 340B ESP, Covered Entities, Requirements

As we noted in a previous post, 340B ESP is nothing less than a brazen and (in our opinion) unlawful ploy by the drug manufacturers to evade the discounts they are legally obligated to offer eligible entities — by placing extraordinary, and unnecessary, reporting burdens on hospitals submitting claims for 340B savings. That said, until … Read More

How Can Your Outpatient Pharmacy Help You Avoid “30-Day Readmission Rule” Medicare And Medicaid Penalties?

July 26, 2022CMS Star Ratings, Medicare, Medication Compliance, Outpatient Tracking, Readmissions, Readmissions Reduction, Retail / Outpatient Pharmacy, Value-Based Care

What is the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program? HRRP is a value-based Medicare purchasing program that encourages hospitals to improve communication and care coordination to better engage patients and caregivers in discharge plans and, in turn, prevent avoidable readmissions. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “Value-based programs reward health care providers with incentive … Read More

How Drug Manufacturer Restrictions And PBMs Undermine Hospitals’ 340B Savings And Outpatient-Pharmacy Margins

July 6, 2022340B, Contract Pharmacy, PBM, Prescription Discounts, Requirements, Retail / Outpatient Pharmacy

If you’re an eligible hospital with an existing 340B program, you know that your wholly-owned outpatient pharmacy is required to buy non-340B medications at Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) — unless you’ve put it in an LLC, and registered it as a child site, or you’re a Critical Access Hospital, and exempt from the requirement. You’ve … Read More

How Hospital Retail Pharmacies Can Track Patients For Better Outcomes After Discharge

June 16, 2022Medication Compliance, Outpatient Tracking, Readmissions, Retail / Outpatient Pharmacy

The impact of medication non-adherence on hospital readmissions We’ve reported the following elsewhere in this forum, but it bears repeating: Statistics indicate that up to 70% of all preventable outpatient readmissions are due to prescription non-compliance. Making matters worse for hospitals, the analytics generated by ProxsysRx’s proprietary software indicate that readmissions from prescription non-compliance are … Read More

How Outpatient Pharmacies in Hospitals Impact the True Costs of Readmissions

May 31, 2022Bedside Prescription Delivery, CMS Star Ratings, Medication Compliance, Meds To Beds, Meds To Beds, Prescription Discounts, Readmissions, Readmissions Reduction, Retail / Outpatient Pharmacy

How can outpatient pharmacies reduce hospital readmissions? We’ve reported the following statistical finding elsewhere in this forum, but it bears repeating: Up to 70% of all preventable outpatient hospital readmissions are due to prescription non-compliance. Making matters worse for hospitals, the analytics generated by ProxsysRx’s proprietary software indicate that average hospital readmissions from prescription non-compliance … Read More