How Meds To Beds Programs Improve Outpatient Medication Compliance

May 17, 2022Medication Compliance, Meds To Beds, Prescription Discounts, Readmissions, Retail / Outpatient Pharmacy

As we’ve reported elsewhere in this forum, statistical evidence indicates that up to 70% of all preventable hospital readmissions are caused by patient prescription non-compliance. What’s more, analytics generated by our own proprietary software further indicate that readmissions from prescription non-compliance are, on average, more expensive than other readmissions — often much more. Why Aren’t … Read More

What Is Value-Based Care, and How Can Your Outpatient Pharmacy Help?

May 12, 2022Medicare, Medication Compliance, Meds To Beds, Pharmacy As A Service (PAAS), Prescription Discounts, Readmissions, Retail / Outpatient Pharmacy, Value-Based Care

One of the Affordable Care Act’s most far-reaching legacies is the ever-increasing impact that Value-Based Care has had on healthcare systems and physicians. In hospitals it’s seen primarily in the form of Per Diems and Readmission Adjustments. For physicians it’s reflected in MIPS (Merit-Based Incentive Payment) scores. What are value-based care programs? According to the … Read More

340B Best Practices You Need To Know

April 1, 2022340B, Audit, Bedside Prescription Delivery, Compliance, Contract Pharmacy, Covered Entities, Meds To Beds, Overview, Patient Eligibility, Requirements, Specialty Pharmacy, Specialty Pharmacy

If your hospital is 340B-eligible, you may be missing-out on millions of dollars in prescription reimbursements. Savings and revenue which, for some hospitals served by ProxsysRx, actually make the difference between solvency and closure. Any list of Best Practices for running a 340B program starts with maintaining compliance. Tips for maintaining 340B Program Compliance The … Read More

What is 340B Double-Dipping, and How Can You Avoid It?

March 25, 2022340B, Compliance, Contract Pharmacy, Covered Entities, Patient Eligibility, Registration, Requirements

The 340B drug pricing program allows eligible providers to replenish prescriptions to eligible patients at significantly reduced pricing, and bill normal market rates for those prescriptions —helping the entities fill revenue gaps that are inherent to their business models. That said, the program does not allow eligible providers to take advantage of 340B discounts and … Read More

How Do I Take Advantage Of The 340B Program With A Specialty Pharmacy?

March 9, 2022340B, Compliance, Covered Entities, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Pharmacy

Getting started with the 340b program If your hospital isn’t already 340B registered and eligible, you might want to refer to our previous blog post, Are you ready to enroll in the 340B program? What is a Specialty Pharmacy? The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy defines a specialty pharmacy as a state-licensed pharmacy that solely … Read More

How Meds To Beds Can Drive Your 340B Savings

February 11, 2022340B, Bedside Prescription Delivery, Contract Pharmacy, Covered Entities, Meds To Beds

Getting started with the 340B Program 340B savings can mean potentially millions of dollars in retail and specialty prescription reimbursements annually. Savings and revenue which, for some hospitals, literally make the difference between solvency and closure. The first step in preparing your health system for enrollment in the 340B program is to ensure that you’re … Read More