We’ll build it, staff it, and/or manage it. At our expense, not yours.
Need someone to build and manage a retail pharmacy for you, from scratch? We do that. Already own a retail pharmacy, and want to outsource all operations and overhead? We also do that. Maybe you want to keep your retail pharmacy’s operations Status Quo, and simply call-on our experts for advice on an as-needed basis. We offer that service as well.
Regardless of the scenario, when ProxsysRx supports your system’s retail pharmacy operations, it’s at your benefit. Always. We take the responsibility for generating revenue for you at our own risk. Which means you're never exposed to even the potential for loss.
Moreover, when we build, own and manage the pharmacy ourselves, we become a tenant in your facility — generating additional revenue through the rent payments we make to you for our space.
Evaluating and managing your 340B contract pharmacy agreements.
Contract pharmacies benefiting from a relationship with your health system should never cost you more in monthly charges than they save you in monthly costs. It’s the standard we hold ourselves to, and the standard we’ll expect all of your contract pharmacies to uphold.
Any contract pharmacies unwilling to meet that standard shouldn’t be in your network. Simple as that.
To learn more, contact us now.