Lowering your Net PBM Spend while increasing employee prescriptions at your own pharmacy.
While ProxsysRx is not a PBM, we serve health systems in partnership with any number of PBMs. We know the industry well. Which is why our first step in serving you will be to evaluate the quality of your current PBM relationship and, when it’s to your advantage, recommend other partners.
Moreover, when ProxsysRx manages your PBM, your pharmacy will enjoy the preferred pricing and purchasing power that comes with the 20 pharmacies we already operate.
At the same time, it goes without saying that self-insured health systems benefit when more employees fill their prescriptions in the hospital’s retail pharmacy. We’ll help you make that happen, with our proven incentive programs (like low, or no, copay) and with our customer- and patient-centered service.
Planning the work. Working the plan.
ProxsysRx manages every aspect of your program — including plan design, pharmacy claims processing, customized formulary management, rebate administration, member services, drug utilization review, and cost containment & reporting services.
Added savings & revenue for systems with retail pharmacies.
If your system has a pharmacy in-house, you’ll enjoy an even greater net benefit from the revenue it generates. If you own the pharmacy, the additional revenue and savings our program generates will help cover your fixed costs — like employee salaries. Savings you can pass-along to employees, further incenting them to participate.
To learn more, contact us now.