Retail and specialty pharmacy are arguably the healthcare industry’s most under-leveraged segments for driving financial performance while improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.

ProxsysRx offers hospital systems proven solutions for maximizing that untapped potential — integrating pharmacy into your continuum of care for your patients, your providers, and your employees.

  • Solutions ranging from 340B Program Management and Retail & Specialty Pharmacy Operations to PBM Program Management and Patient Financial Assistance. Available as a comprehensive, integrated program — or in individual components, depending on your system’s needs.
  • Solutions designed, directed and administered by thought leaders in the practice and the business of pharmacy.
  • Solutions supported by a proprietary software system that tracks and reports every detail of our program(s) and services — placing actionable data and business intelligence, with complete transparency, at your fingertips in real time, anytime you want it.

Most importantly, solutions which never cost you a penny out-of-pocket.
How many vendors claiming to be your “partner” ever made that promise? To learn how we can make, and keep, that promise for you, schedule your free analysis today.

To learn more, contact Howard Hall. C: 214.808.2700 | howard.hall@proxsysrx.com