Seven Steps For Overcoming 340B ESP and Other Manufacturer Restrictions on 340B Pricing

December 20, 2022340B, 340B ESP, Contract Pharmacy, Covered Entities, Requirements, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Pharmacy

ProxsysRx’s process for recovering lost 340B savings and revenue As we’ve noted in multiple earlier blog posts, 340B ESP is nothing short of a blatant, lawless tactic used by scores of drug manufacturers to disallow the discounts they are legally obligated to offer eligible entities. At the same time, a number of additional manufacturers are … Read More

Which TPAs Are The Best At Optimizing 340B Savings And Revenue?

December 8, 2022340B, Audit, Compliance, Contract Pharmacy, Covered Entities, TPA / TPAs

A covered entity’s guide to selecting TPAs for its 340B program TPAs play a critical role in any covered entity’s 340B program. It’s their job to match contract pharmacies’ prescription claims with patient data provided by the health systems they serve, to determine 340B eligibility — and generate entity savings. Without those matches, no prescriptions … Read More