340B Outlook For 2024: Change. Change. And More Change.

April 19, 2024340B, 340B ESP, Contract Pharmacy, Covered Entities, Drug Manufacturer Restrictions, News Updates, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Pharmacy, Specialty Pharmacy

What we’ve learned. What it means for your 340B program. Between late 2019 and the end of 2023, ProxsysRx’s 340B Support program went from Zero to more than $500 million in savings generated for the hospitals and health systems we serve. In spite of the drug manufacturer restrictions that have devastated many hospitals’ programs, every … Read More

Drug Manufacturers’ 340B Restrictions Generate New Round Of Media Scrutiny & Criticism

November 1, 2023340B, 340B ESP, Drug Manufacturer Restrictions, News Updates

In the past week, no less than three articles have called attention to the restrictions drug manufacturers have imposed to evade their legal responsibility to honor 340B program prescription discounts — as well as the impact those restrictions have had on 340B-eligible nonprofit entities’ ability to serve their patients and communities. “Don’t believe drug companies: … Read More