Just ask her, she’ll admit it: When Shequila worked at ProxsysRx’s Conway Medical Center (CMC) pharmacy, her boss had a habit of talking about her to other people in the company. Which explains why she got an email one day from Dawn Dobersztyn, asking, “Have you seen this job opening we just posted?”

Seems that Conway’s Pharmacist In Charge, Jeff Barfield, had said a lot of things about Shequila to ProxsysRx’s Director Of Retail Operations — which led Dawn to think she’d be perfect for the job opening in question. “Jeff is the best pharmacy manager I ever worked-for,” says Shequila. “I still tell him that even now.”

You can also add “friend” to the list of words Shequila uses to describe Jeff. “There’s no question I got this promotion because of all the good things he’d said to Dawn. When I was at CMC, that’s the way everybody in the pharmacy was — we all got along like family.”

So yes, Shequila had mixed feelings when she considered the new opportunity. She also knew she’d be perfect for the job. Before joining ProxsysRx, she’d spent 10 years (much of it managing inventory) in the high-pressure environment of a major chain — where the retail component is significantly more prominent than it is in hospital pharmacies.

That experience, coupled with her natural people skills, made her a perfect fit for the new position. Looking back, Shequila remembers, “What attracted me most to the FEC job, the one that brought me to ProxsysRx in the first place, was their emphasis on personal interaction with every patient — and with every retail customer. At my last job, I’d worked in both the front end and back end, and that kind of service was, let’s just say, not a priority. ProxsysRx offered me a place where I could grow.

“Where I was before, it was ‘Go Go Go’ 24/7/365 — which left very little time for really helping patients and customers, or for building relationships with my co-workers. Working at CMC, I loved my job, and the people I worked-with. I also loved the nine-to-five hours, and the fact that we actually had holidays off.”

And while she does miss the daily contact with her CMC family, Shequila doesn’t mind the new Work From Home arrangement. “I spend so much time working with people at our pharmacies, I never get lonely.”

Shequila’s typical day, if there’s such a thing, involves everything from ordering and managing our pharmacy network’s inventory, to training — and solving problems for—local FECs.

Whenever ProxsysRx builds a new pharmacy, she’ll be on-site with Dawn during the days before its official Open date — handling everything from I.T. and cash-register issues to sorting and hand-placing the entire store’s inventory, item by item, on the shelves; not to mention being there to offer the new employees guidance and support.

It’s an undertaking that usually takes her away from home for a full workweek, which — you might suspect — would place it pretty low on her list of Favorite Things To Do. Far from it, she says. “Dawn is awesome, and I love traveling. I just got back from our new pharmacy at Terrebonne General Health System [in Houma, LA], and we got to have dinner at a fabulous place in New Orleans.”

By New Orleans standards, she notes, it was a fairly tame evening on the town. After all, when you’re Shequila Bellamy, you have a reputation to maintain!


Unlock your pharmacy career potential with ProxsysRx

At ProxsysRx, we’re intent on preserving the reputation we’ve earned as an employer of choice. It’s why our company culture is centered around guiding principles we call “ProxsysRx Cares.”

We understand that our employees are people with lives and needs outside of work. From our generous paid-time off, to no evening hours at most locations, it’s our goal to be a place where you’ll feel valued and supported. A place where you’ll genuinely enjoy working. It’s an approach that’s good for our people, and in turn, for the patients and health systems we serve.

Here’s hoping that, someday soon, we’ll unlock your potential — together!