Since 2019, ProxsysRx has generated more than $500 million in 340B savings and revenue for the health systems we serve — and yes, we’ve learned to overcome many of even the toughest manufacturers restrictions.
We work with hospitals to unlock pharmacy’s potential throughout the continuum of care. We optimize revenues from their 340B programs and their retail pharmacies, then implement strategies for funding onsite specialty pharmacies from those savings and revenues. The ultimate goal is for hospitals to pay nothing out of pocket to build their own specialty pharmacies.
Funding a specialty pharmacy starts with optimizing your 340B program.
(For an in-depth guide to optimizing 340B program savings and revenue, Click Here. Or feel free to reach-out to us for a no-obligation consult.)
Use savings from your 340B program.
Set-aside some of the retail-prescription revenue from your most profitable 340B drugs (IE: “soft specialty” prescriptions like Humira) to help fund your upfront costs. That way, you can build-out your specialty pharmacy capabilities over time, without committing a large capital expenditure from your budget.
Use your hospital’s retail pharmacy revenue.
A well-managed retail pharmacy can, and should, generate significant revenue and profits for your health system. ProxsysRx owns or manages outpatient pharmacies in hospitals nationwide, and — on average — those pharmacies generate $750 to $1000 in net profit per bed, per month. Which means, for instance, that a 200-bed hospital can expect to generate $150,000 to $200,000 in monthly net profit from its onsite retail pharmacy.
Implement a Meds To Beds program.
Bedside prescription delivery is the single most effective method for capturing patient prescriptions before they leave your care. It’s your first step toward ensuring patients follow prescription protocols after they’ve left your care.
ProxsysRx manages Meds To Beds programs for hospitals nationwide. In one Mississippi health system alone, our team filled over 18,000 discharge prescriptions in just 12 months — during which time, pharmacy revenues increased 125% and readmissions decreased 79%.
Choose a partner who’s committed to your mission
If you choose ProxsysRx to support your health system’s mission, we only pay ourselves from the revenue and savings we generate on your behalf.
We take-on all the risk, so you’re never exposed to even the potential for loss.
To learn more, schedule a preliminary conversation today!
URAC Accredited
The ProxsysRx specialty pharmacy team is accredited by URAC (Utilization Review Accreditation Commission), the medical profession’s gold standard for third-party validation of high-quality health care.
ProxsysRx is the only accredited company that offers hospitals a comprehensive range of consultative and hands-on pharmacy-related support services.
The single greatest benefit URAC’s validation offers your health system is a significant reduction in the calendar time, and in the personnel time-investment, required to earn the accreditation you need to own a successful specialty pharmacy.
NEXT >>>
Best Practices For A Successful 340B Specialty Pharmacy
Starting A 340B Specialty Pharmacy: What Does The Process Look Like?